Thursday, January 29, 2009

My big announcement...

... is NOT that I am walking in the 3-day. Sorry!! Susan is walking again and we're going to try and raise more money for her instead.

In terms of something healthy, my hubby and I are committed to doing the duathalon. What the heck is that? It's like a triathalon with the exception of the swimming. My hubby sucks at swimming. When he first mentioned doing this with Kevin, I asked him the swimming question like, "Are you going to have to swim?" and he said "No, just bike and run on 2 terrains." I said, "Good cause you'd sink like a anchor!" He agrees which is why Kevin and Steve decided to do the duathalon. Unfortunately, Kevin got seriously hurt at work and can't do it - he can't even walk for 5-6 months. So, I volunteered to do it instead. Steve was so excited about doing it but won't do it by himself so I am going to get healthy training with him. The course is something like: 6 mi run, 14 mi bike ride, 2 mi run on terrain. I've started training for the bike portion because Kevin loaned us this contraption that my bike is sitting on so that I can ride stationary. I watch the news or whatever when I ride for 30 min in the morning. It's too freakin' cold to do anything outside at this point...

Keep guessing...


Stacy said...

Keep Guessing?! So the duathalon isn't the big announcement?

OK, I'll keep guessing then...Did you find a new job?


Stacy said...

IT IS SATURDAY, my I have to keep guessing?

Jana said...

What a brave soul you are. Congrats and good luck training.