Every year, growing up, my siblings and I would receive handmade ornaments as Christmas gifts. My mother and her two sisters were really good at doing it each year. My mother would make almost 30 ornaments (see right) so that each person (her sisters, nephews, nieces, children, friends) would each have a special memory to put on the tree. My generation, well... with the exception of my sister and me (occasionally), doesn't really do it anymore. It a shame, really. All these wonderful hand made ornaments really make a tree look special and full of love. I can remember what year we received each and every one of these ornaments. The use of pictures (which my mom tried to do each year) would always commemorate some special occasion. My wedding was the far right, my brother's wedding the one behind it, our first house is the small one next to that... The tree is like a scrapbook as all the important dates are shown! Ande, by the time I went to college, I already had enough ornaments to fill our first christmas tree!
I feel really bad that we have lost this tradition in our family. So, I am not going to let it happen. I still have a couple of weeks to go. My shopping is done, my christmas cards are out... I am going to try to get at least 10 ornaments done - one for each of my nieces and nephews, my daughter, me, and my siblings. I bet my sister will do her's again too. Maybe we can keep this tradition alive!