Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Well, today is a sucky day. My company laid off about 20% of the engineering/sales staff today. It makes me sad... working in Michigan is so uncertain! My job is safe for now, but we lost a lot of good engineers. It's getting ridiculous about how little manpower we have to do the job but they keep telling us we need to "work harder and smarter in the coming months". They've been saying that for 2 years now. It doesn't seem to get better. SIGH!!

Today is also the Presidential Primary. It doesn't really matter though since our votes don't really count for anything. It was someone's brilliant idea to move up our Primary to highlight the problems facing Michigan and "get the word out there." All it really managed to do is get the MI delegates uninvited from the national convention (Democrats only - Republicans are still on the wall as to how they will punish our state). So, we're voting for what reason again? I did anyway but it still annoys me. I just feel kinda helpless in this big world right now.

On a happier note, I just participated in my first cyber crop with the gals at Coordinates Collection this weekend. What a blast! I did a bunch of really cool pages AND I won a doorprize! How fabulous is that? I can't wait to get it in the mail... Some of my pages are shown below. My favorite is the one of Annde "You're my Girly Girl". It's currently on my calendar at work and everyday, I smile when I see it.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

SO sorry to hear about all the layoffs...so scary! All your layouts are awesome! You did a great job! Hope your day goes better!