Monday, January 21, 2008

Hey there everyone... I hope you had a great week, full of fun and excitement. Well, I'm feeling less bummed out than my previous post. It really helped to go home and scrap this page. It really made me think about what is going on in the world and how small a piece of it my life is. Yes, a bunch of really good engineers/sales people lost their jobs... I know that God will help them turn it around to be a good thing! I still think about all the families who's lives were touched by the 9-11 tragedy and pray that they are finding peace with in their lives now. It's so hard to believe it happened over 6 years ago... wow! Time can really fly when you aren't paying attention to it...

On to happier stuff!! This week was a great scrapping week. I needed to burn off some stress so I grabbed my scissors and paper before blinging everything in sight! I am so looking forward to the All-Day scrap this weekend other than the fact that I haven't kitted anything in ages! ARRGGHHH!! Now, I'm stressed again (just kidding...). I need to whip out a mini book so that I can donate it as a silent auction item. Hopefully this will be a good fundraiser for the local MOPS group. I'll make sure I get my slide updated after I'm done... Like it? I just figured out how to do it. Hopefully, I adjusted the speed so you can still see all the pages.
I also found an awesome new site... it's called Faith Sisters ( They have some great faith-based scrapbooking challenges that really force you think about things and help you on your Faith walk with our Father. Check it out if you are interested!! That's all for now. Keep warm and get safe with all the wacky weather happening. :)


Shannon said...

Both of those are fantastic LO's! great work!

Corina said...

Ditto... and it's great to record the 9/11 story.. It seems like just yesterday that happened!! So sad..