Monday, October 27, 2008
My List of Life
I think: about so much stuff that my mind sometimes wants to explode.
I know: my faith is strong.
I want: to feel secure.
I have: an addiction to scrapbook blogs, magazines, & challenges.
I dislike: parents who refuse to take the time and responsibility to be parents.
I miss: my family.
I fear: the state of the current economy.
I feel: tired from being worried.
I hear: the clickity clack of keyboards being used.
I smell: the hot mulled cider sitting on my desk top.
I crave: my scrapbook stuff...
I cry: when I think about wanting to have another child. It can be frustrating when others are being granted the wish you wish and you are left alone, waiting and hoping.
I usually: have at least 1 basket of laundry to fold.
I search: for balance in my life.
I wonder: what my child will be like when she grows up.
I regret: not really exploring what my career would be when I was young enough to do something about it.
I wish: my family got along better.
I love: my husband with all my heart, through better and worse.
I care: about my friends and how they are doing.
I always: check my email.
I worry: that the world I brought Annde into isn’t the best environment: there’s so much anger and hate and disease… but that will make her stronger, I think!
I am not: shy or afraid to express my opinion.
I remember: why I am proud to be an American, even if the political climate right now is making me nutso! I wish this election would be over already.
I believe: that every person is capable of amazing things. Most just forget that as they muddle day to day.
I sing: in the car. I don't care who sees me. I used to be good at it, now I’m just louder.
I don't always: think before I speak. Sometimes, it’s funny and other times, I get into trouble….
I argue: with my family. Sometimes its fun, sometimes its unintentional, sometimes its unhealthy, but most of the time, its second nature.
I write: to cleanse my mind and soul.
I win: or I will die trying. I am a little too competitive at times….
I lose: my sanity occasionally… along with my temper more often than I would like.
I listen: to my IPOD when I am stressed out, with country, rock, rap, christian or musicals being the playlist…
I don't understand: Why more people don’t use common sense… or the words “Thank you!”
I can usually be found: staring into the screen of my computer.
I need: to lose weight.
I forget: the world around me when I get sucked into a really good book.
I am happy: to be me, most of time.
How about you? Who are you?
Link to my comments so I can go read yours...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
And the hits just keep on coming...
It's been a rough couple of weeks.
First, Steve's health has been bad. After several ER visits and several Dr. appointments, we seem to have the first real lead as to the cause. Or, more like one of the causes. After all the research we've been doing, we think its actually a combination of several things since not all the symptoms fit one thing or the other. Needless to say, the last 3 weekends have been spent in the hospital for lots and lots of testing. We're not done yet. He has an outpatient procedure being done this week. Maybe we'll have an answer (or two) by the end of the month. I know Steve is tired of being sick, not being able to sleep, and not knowing what is wrong with him. I am tired of being scared and worried because we don't know what is wrong. I am tired of trying to hide it from the kid so she doesn't know that something is wrong with Daddy. We're just tired in general...
... and then to add to it... It's been a couple rough weeks at work, with me traveling (Thank you Tracy for taking the kidlet overnight for me) as well as stuff in general being a little tense becaue the automotive market is in REALLY bad shape. In fact, the paper had a report today that some guy went to get a car and the best financing he could find was 16%... I bought my car 2 years ago with a 5% rate! No wonder no one is selling cars! (which could affect my job...)
... Then add on to that, our home computer is down for the count. We got hit with a nasty virus that well reached it's little tentacles out into all the little corners of the computer. This has caused us to have to pull everything out and rebuild it from scratch. It's the only way that we'll be rid of it. So, I'm still without a home computer and my laptop doesn't have access to the scanner or card readers to get my Pink Sketch up. Steve's home this week (due to the medical stuff) so he's going to try and get it fixed by mid-week. My uncle spent the weekend working on it when Steve was in the hospital and then the two of them together last night and the majority of the day before they left to go back to Chicago.
This weekend, we were supposed to meet in Grand Rapids with my Aunt, Uncle, and Grandma for apple picking, pumpkin patching, and wine tasting. But, that went down the drain with the whole Steve medical thing as he spent most of it in the hospital. Since he was in testing the majority of it, we spent time at the pumpkin patch since we couldn't hang with him. It was super cold but we had a good time. Hopefully, we'll get to carve them this week sometime. :) I would put up pictures but ... refer to the last paragraph. Needless to say, when the computer's fixed, I will put a bunch of pics and pages up.
I am working hard to keep a positive outlook. We will find out what is causing this and we'll get it fixed. I have faith. Please keep him in your prayers. I can handle it as long as I know what I am handling.
I'm off for now. I have a million things to do for tomorrow and I want to make sure that Steve's doing okay in the office...
Monday, October 13, 2008
A long and winding... Fall!
This is a page I did about Annde's new school. I wandered around taking some pictures and this is where I used them. It was fun to do this page because I not only got to use 16 pictures but I combined a Scrapbook Doodle challenge that I posted for their Friday night crop (use 10 pictures on a page for the 10th month) with the Challenge for CC for the use of this Scenic Route patterned paper. Here's one of the bonus doorprizes: Create a card from one of the challenges... I chose the one using 4 patterned papers and created this card to say Thanks! I love how it opens in a non-traditional way...
As for other fun news, I was picked as the November Guest Designer for ScrapDango! FABULOUS!! I got a sneak peak at what's in my kit and I can't wait to get my hands on it. I also won bingo at CC this month and won a fun prize too! You can see it used in 2 of the pages & the card above (Cider Mill and Summer Fun)
Tomorrow is my first workshop for Susan's 3 day and I am happy to say that I have sold 5 out of 6 spots! Only one to go - if you are interested, let me know!! The reveal of project 2 will be on Wednesday or Thursday and is a fun way to do a picture Christmas card! I can't wait to show you!
Well, that's all for now... I am going home to ice my leg, or rather ice my drink to make me forget my leg!! AHAHAHAHA
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Good, the bad... and the... well, Pretty!
For those who don't know, I am trying to keep up with a daily journal. Not doing so hot - missing 4 days from Sept and 2 in October - but I have managed to do about 30 entries over the last 5 weeks. Here's my one from today, showing the important things to me and the fact that I am not overly thrilled with either candidate. Especially when they refuse to answer questions, try to muddy the water with false or exaggerated claims about the other, etc... I just want to know who is who and what they stand for... I really wish we would abolish political parties so that the candidates had to run on who they are, not all this bi-partisan crap and their ability to work together. Fire them all (like its done in business when you run it into the ground) and let's start all over again! Okay, off my soap box... Here's the page:
As for scrapbooking... Here's my latest Pink Sketch. Color is a bit wacky in the picture but I do like the page:
I was also excited to receive a prize I won today from Color Me Daisy! I won the September contest with my page about owning a scrapbook retreat (I was SERIOUSLY thinking about this yesterday...) and this is what I won:
I also was picked for the Layout of the Week over at Scrapdango for my Uncle Kevin page and as a Fab Find for my Prepared for Preschool. So, now you have the bad, good, and the pretty! And, what I have is... a desire to yawn and crawl into bed. So, goodnight all!
Monday, October 6, 2008
A Rough Day...
It's not a huge surprise.... Our biggest competitors and customers have done the exact same thing within the last few weeks. The automotive world has been hit hard. The Big 3 are no longer big and every company is doing what it needs to for survival. Since I have started with this company, just over 4 years ago, I have been through 9 sets of cuts. My prior company - I went through over a dozen, including a hostile takeover threat and eventual purchase. I was lucky to get it out before the company went south and declared bankruptcy. It has now been sold off in pieces.
I wonder if those who buy foreign, including my own family, understand what that means to those of us who work for American companies. I wonder if those in Washington, so quick to help out other industries, understand what the delay of help has done to this state's economy. It's not just one politician. It's not just the governor. It's not just the President or who will eventually win this election. It's not just about shipping jobs overseas. Like everything else, if no one is buying, we can't sell. It's not about quality - the numbers are there to support the fact that those "wonderful" foreign jobs are not that much better than the Americans. They just don't have to tell you they screwed up like the American companies do.
Sigh! People just don't get it. It makes me sad, really. Sad to know how bad things are going in this state. Our "one state recession..."
For me, this upcoming election is about more than what the sound bites, political emails, and humorous satires are... For me, it's about finding a way back to where we've been as a country. It's about making sure those who lost their jobs today can find a new one. It's about the fact that I have friends who have done the right thing but still might lose their homes because the government is only helping out the ones who got stupid and bought above what they could afford, not the ones stuck in adjustable rate loans exploding out of control. It's about my in-laws being close to retirement and now scared because they don't know if the money is there anymore.
I don't feel very good about the state of our economy or about how this country feels right now. I don't know who has my vote but I do know this... Who ever is elected - at any level of government - better get off their collective butts and do something to fix this country. A lot of people lost their jobs today that just wanted to do a get up, go to work and do a good job. So - you make their loss a priority and get this country straightened out. I, as well as every other tax payer, is not paying you to sit on your butt and do nothing. And unfortunately, that's all I seem to see anymore...
We'll be back to our originally scheduled posts tomorrow. I did have a blast scrapbooking this weekend with Tracy and Stacy and want to show you what I did. Today, I just have a hard time posting it.
Friday, October 3, 2008
1st Project Night for the Cure
Let me know if you interested and I will send the link for the Evite to you. This workshop is prepay so let me know. If you can't come and you still want to do the book, let me know... I will send it to you for the same $15 (+ shipping) completely done... (I will have a limited amount available for sale this way so please make arrangements quickly.)
Happy Scrappin' Y'all!