Sunday, March 14, 2010

Weekly Update from Patterson land.

So, it's been a pretty busy week around the Patterson household. Besides the normal daily work/school and after school stuff, we attended our first Girl Scout function - a trip the Air & Space Museum for GS day. Annde and I got to try a lot of experiments, listen a female astronaut, meet a female pilot from WWII (WASP 43-7), and of course, spend a lot of time with our friends. I was happy that Raenise and her mom, Katrina could join us. Raenise is a new addition to Annde's daycare and it's wonderful to have such a nice young lady to hang out with after school.
Here's some pictures:
I totally dig those aviator glasses, don't you?
Learning about take-offs and landings and how the air can affect them...
I also scrapped 2 nights this week and came out with these two pages among two others partially finished.

The first page was using a picture I took of Annde at four months (in 2004) and one of Meghan that I tried to duplicate Annde's picture. Meg's only 3 months, though... It is amazing how similar they look to me.
And then, because a baby book would not be a baby book without a bath page, here's the faces of Meg during a bath. She's so expressive with her emotions.We're looking forward to the end of the month: Steve and Annde go to the circus, we are all going down the National Kite Festival and the National Cherry Tree Festival, and Uncle Kevin comes in for a visit and a chance to meet Meghan for the first time...

Speaking of Meghan - she's grown a lot this month and I do mean ALOT. 1.5" and 2 lbs. Her doctor was surprised and commented that Meghan is "definitely ready to be on table food" due to her formula consumption. So, Meghan's officially on rice and oatmeal now. We get to wait 2 weeks and then start her on fruits and veggies. Our little beefcake! :)
Here's her at 4 mos. Our big girl is now wearing 9mo and 12 mo clothing (this is a 12 mo outfit). Isn't she so cute?!?!
And, for your viewing entertainment... it's "Where's Meg?" Watch out, she can screech pretty loud so turn down your volume a bit...

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Jana, they are growing up so fast. I'm glad that you are keeping us all up to date with the girls.