Friday, January 16, 2009

A Blog Award - Marie Antoniette

The Marie Antoinette - A Real Person, A Real Award!

So, I met this woman online named Jana who scrapbooks. Believe it or not, there are quite a few of us... She nominated me for this award for having a fun blog to read... I love to post but I don't know how many of you actually read anything I write. That's cool! I am glad that some of you get something from my mindless chatter and fun scrap stuff. So, Here's the rules, of which there are only 5:
1. Post the logo on your blog (above pic of Marie Antionette herself)

2. Post a link to the person’s blog from whom you received the award (thanks, Jana!)

3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs (see below listing)

4. Link to the blogs you’ve nominated, and

5. Post a comment on those blogs to tell them of their nomination! Simple!

So, here is my list of 7 blogs... Check them out!

Stephanie at Homegrown Hospitality

Staci at Stop!! It's Scrappin' Time!!

Lain at ScrapHappy

Crystal's Blog

Sophia at Pretty Shabby Chicky

Sarah at Red Oak Lines - she's giving an RAK so check it out!!

Virginia at Black Flip Flops

Off to let them know... They are all very inspiring so check their blogs out... :)


Staci Compher said...

ahhh..thanks girl!!! that is so cool......

Virginia said...

Thanks so much! *blush, blush* I will post it on my blog the next few days! I really appreciate it. :)

Kristii said...

Congratulations!! I am loving your blog!!