Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A little bit of excitement...

... I had another layout picked up by Memory Makers for publication! I was very excited to get the news this morning. It was a layout I did about the current economy and my job. Yippee!! Check it out in the July / August 2009 issue. :)

... I watched the inaugeration of the President of the United States today. Even if you aren't an Obama supporter, you can still feel a sense of history and patriotism in the air. I am excited because being a witness to a historic event is still very cool to me. I had goose bumps watching the ceremony and some of the events leading up to it. There is such optimism in the air! Regardless if you agree that he will be able to accomplish what he has been promising, you have to admit - right now isn't so great and something can be done if EVERYONE works together (both parties, all those really high paid elected officials of every party). It's going to take all our efforts to pull out of this mire, not just a President and I think a lot of people are missing the boat on that one. Obama is just a man with a job to do. If he does it to the best of his ability than I can find no fault with that. Remember that there are a boatload more people in Washington than him that have to buckle down, lose their attitudes, and get the job done. It's those people that I have fault with right now - the ones who are still there with a chip on their shoulder or with apathy in their hearts. I am hoping that America - who elected this man - will give him a fair shake and those who are there to do their jobs will do so. Ok! Off the soap box...

... Plus, my all time favorite singer - Garth Brooks - performed at the pre-party. He really rocked the house, or should I say country? Fabulous!!

Off to accomplish some more stuff and watch some more coverage. Yeah America!!


Amy Adams (aka Scrapitgal) said...

Your blog is awesome!! Congrats on the LO's in MM btw!!

GinniG said...

A well-written blog entry Jana! CONGRATS on the MM publication!!! How exciting!!!

Lisa Smith said...

I receive the Memory Makers magazine. How do you get your layouts to be considered? I probably just haven't looked close enough. Congrats on the publication!!
Lisa Smith
PS. Read your blog from your post on Coordinate Collections.