Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A great start to my birthday...

... consisted of not just 1 but 2 trips to the ER...

Steve was trip 1... He threw his back out/pinched his nerve at the base of his spine on Sunday evening but wasn't able to tolerate it past Monday night... so in he went about 8pm on Monday...

Annde was trip 2... After listening to her bark like a seal for 4 hours, I finally gave up at 3am and took her in for a breathing treatment/steroid for Croup.

Then I came back and attempted to sleep with her on my chest on the couch. After making breakfast, we decided to cancel our dinner plans - big sleet/snow storm coming - and move them to lunch plans. So, I'm off... Stay tuned for more developments...

... don't worry though! I love having a birthday and a smile on my face!


Stacy said...

WOW!! So much for your "no ER" rule... I hope everyone is recovered enough to enjoy their Christmas! That steriod for the croup is amazing - she'll be MUCH improvedc in 24-hrs. We've used it twice before & were so grateful for it.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jana! I hope you enjoyed your day. Merry Christmas to you and yours. May everyone be on the mend in your house. Hugs.

Kim said...

Happy Birthday Girl! Hope you enjoy the goodies I'll be sending your way for the scrapbook doodle scrapathon challenge!